Sunday, January 23, 2011

Blue and Numb

Met my buds Ryan Yarberry and Scott Spradling up at the Blue on Friday.  Man was it cold.  17 degrees as we hit the parking lot at the Corrals.  Hit the C&R in the am and the action was okay.  Couple of fish early and the first fish of the year at the upper falls as Ryan and hit the foam line.  Tugs and fun to wrap our visit up North.

Hit Scotty's for a great burger at lunch and then hit the South.  Just too damn cold all day to take pics but did manage a few.  The jig was the ticket in the South as these were the only pics of the day.

And some nice tail

Always good to be not working and until my next visit to the Blue, I hope there is more Blue and less Numb.

Cheers and good fishing,


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Where Have I Been ! It's 2011

Where has the time gone.  I am a winter trout creature.  Jobs, Heat, College Football.  A lot of things get in the way of fishing

Its time to get back to the action

Good to be back.

Winter Trout in Oklahoma


Back soon with more. 

Good fishing Everyone and Cheers,
